Every board you create in Businessmap has two sections: the Initiatives Workflow and the Cards Workflow. By default, The Cards Workflow is the second workflow on your board. This is the place where all tasks are visualized as cards, thus helping you manage work at a card level.
How to Use the Cards Workflow
In the Cards workflow, you can create new cards that are either independent or linked to an Initiative.
The Cards Workflow represents the classic Kanban board. The initial view of the Cards Workflow consists of three columns: Requested, In Progress, and Done, as well as the adjacent Backlog and Archive columns (folded to the left and right side of the board layout).
The Cards Workflow is the tool for mapping and visualizing each step of your process in the flow. You can use the workflow editor to:
- create new columns and subcolumns
- create new swimlanes to differentiate classes of work
- flexibly merge cells across lanes/columns to fuse work process stages
- create a multilayer board structure, i.e. add more Cards Workflows
To map your unique process, please turn on the Board edit mode (check p.2 - How to Customize Your Board Workflows).
Each Cards Workflow has a separate cycle time configuration option, which you can set up from the edit mode.
For an overview of how to create workflows, check the video below: