Table of Contents:
1. Solutions and Migration Options (Export -> Import)
2. Generic Migration Guide:
-Board Design
-Excel File Format
3. Leankit Migration Capabilities
In this article, you will find instructions on how to migrate from the most common solutions that you currently have in place to Businessmap.
1. Solutions and Migration Options (Export -> Import)
- Trello - Follow the link to our dedicated article on the Trello Import via our out-of-the-box integration. One of the main features of our integration is the ability to import all existing cards you have from Trello.
- Leankit - This is the most advanced import capability that we have developed. Please, check the details in the related paragraph below. We recommend you get in touch with our Support / DevOps team for the data migration (export/import), because of the complexity of the import.
For more information, please check p.3 below. - Jira - Because of the highly customizable use-cases and scenarios, the best option to import data from Jira is via Excel. A sample pattern is explained in the Generic Migration guide below (p.2).
- Asana, Azure DevOps, Basecamp, Monday, MS Planner - All these solutions support the generic export of your work items into CSV, Excel format. Using our Generic Migration guide (p.2) along with a few preparation steps, you should be ready to switch and continue working in Businessmap, getting value from all the extra benefits we offer and applying the most efficient Kanban method to your workflow.
- Google Sheets - As an alternative to MS Excel, we have the ability to import data from Google Sheets. You still need to get prepared and have a look at the generic import guide before using the Google Sheets Add-on. See the dedicated article on how to use this approach.
2. Generic Migration Guide
Content Steps:
1. Manage Users: invited and assigned them with the correct usernames and roles
2. Board Design: prepare your workflows to match the states of your existing ones
3. Card Properties: set Businessmap Types, Tags, and Custom Fields
4. Excel format: prepare the content to match the right columns and values
5. Known Limitations: See what cannot be imported, check for workarounds
The workflows in your current solution are most probably customized to meet the needs of your teams. We recommend you inspect each step of your migration and do it several times until you proceed with the import. Still, there are some default values that could be easily mapped. Here are the examples:
To keep your already existing tasks from the current solution in place, being assigned to the right people in Businessmap after the import you need to first:
- Invite the users using their emails.
- Assign the users to your new board. Make sure the right security roles/permissions are applied.
- Use the user names (NOT emails) during import/export, after inviting the users. From the Admin Menu, you need to make sure and edit their usernames to match the ones in your existing solution and those are available in the export data.
For example, Jira has usernames, but Azure Dev Ops uses First and Last Name, so rename the Businessmap usernames to match the First and Last names in your existing solution.
Note: Use unique names for every user.
- Invite the users using their emails.
Board Design
The most common Tasks in your existing solution should have a System property to identify the State of your work item like status in Jira Issues, sections in Asana, state in Azure DevOps, etc.
The values might be different but should be something like New, To Do, In Progress, Done, Completed, Finished. Most probably you have more sophisticated workflows and statuses, so before importing into Businessmap, design the board and name the columns exactly as the states you have now.
For example, /for the default settings/ when importing from Jira you need to rename just the "Requested" column in Businessmap as "To Do". The rest matches exactly. -
Before the actual import, you have to make sure that the Card in Businessmap has all-analog fields and system values (you want to import) and that they match the values of your existing solution:
- Card Types: from the top Admin / Settings panel in Businessmap, manage your types to match the ones you have. These could be called Work Item Type, Issue Type, etc.. If such a field is not available, then just ignore it.
- Tags: from the same Admin / Settings panel prepare the tags to match the ones used in your existing solution. These could also be called: Labels, Tokens, etc.
- Custom Fields: From the Admin / Settings, or from the board sidebar, you can add custom fields with meta or additional information you have in your existing work items.
Like: Budget, PO Number, Risk, etc. This could be of different value types, like dropdown, number, text, etc. Make sure to define them to match the values you currently have.
- Card Types: from the top Admin / Settings panel in Businessmap, manage your types to match the ones you have. These could be called Work Item Type, Issue Type, etc.. If such a field is not available, then just ignore it.
Excel File Format
The exported file from your existing solution could be in a CSV format or should have different column names and values, so there might be some pre-processing actions expected to get it properly imported into your Board.
- File format: convert your data into xls or xlsx file and make sure you have only one sheet in your excel.
- First Row Names: need to be properly formatted so that your data can be matched to the cards' fields in Businessmap. Here are the descriptive names (column headers) to the columns matching the following card fields: 'Title', 'Description', 'Card ID', 'Custom Card ID', 'Priority', 'Owner', 'Color', 'Size', 'Tags', 'Deadline', 'Ext link', 'External link', 'Template', 'Type', 'Type name', 'Column', 'Column name', 'Lane', 'Lane name', 'Comment', 'Parent', 'Created at', 'Board name', 'Board ID', 'Workflow name', 'Links', 'Planned Start', 'Planned End', 'Start date', 'End date', 'Archived at'.
IMPORTANT: Only the field “Title” is mandatory, all other fields are optional. - Values: There are some fixed values in Businessmap, so you might need to search and replace your Excel values to match the ones expected by Businessmap. For example:
- Priority: Your solution might have a different Name, for example: "Severity" along with different values. You need to search and replace them to be one of the following four values: [Low, Average, High, Critical]
- Color: Our clients very often have custom company brand colors defined by their Marketing teams, that's why our color values are HEX format, for example:
Green: 34A97B, Red: CC1A33, Grey: 666666, Blue: 067DB7, etc.
Note: You can see these from the card color value once selected. - Due date, Created at, Start date, End date, Archived at: Make sure all date fields are either of type Date in your excel and recognized as such, or in the format 2020-02-20 (YYYY-MM-DD)
Note: If you manage to extract from your system Create, Start, End, and Archive dates of your work items, after the import this historical data could be used by our analytics and widgets for Kanban metrics and reporting. Those transition dates, will get the cycle times in the 3 main areas:- Start date - Created at = Time spent in the 'Requested' area
- End date - Start date = Time spent in the 'In Progress' area
- Archived at - End date = Time spent in the 'Done' area
- Priority: Your solution might have a different Name, for example: "Severity" along with different values. You need to search and replace them to be one of the following four values: [Low, Average, High, Critical]
- File format: convert your data into xls or xlsx file and make sure you have only one sheet in your excel.
Using Excel, you should be able to migrate work items with their top values and states and main completion dates. That would be enough to continue your activities and measure your throughput and cycle times before and from now on. There will be missing information, such as analytical-specific data like transitions between custom states of your previous workflow, history logs and meta information of your work items, attachments, subtasks, comments, and probably archived projects that could not be migrated. For traceability purposes, we suggest that you export as much data as possible from your existing solution and store it for future offline references upon demand.
3. Leankit Migration Capabilities
Our DevOps team has a facility in place using the APIs of both systems that could migrate almost everything related to a Board in Leankit to a Board in Businessmap.
- Board Design
There is almost 1:1 mapping from a Leankit Board to the Businessmap Board. This could be done automatically with some small limitations on very complex boards with multiple nested lanes in Leankit. Still, we suggest that you review and change the board design after that in Businessmap using the capabilities we offer:
- create multiple workflows in one board
- enable Initiatives workflow and Timeline workflow, where you can implement different hierarchy levels to best fit your breakdown structure. - Users
The users (emails, user names, roles, permissions), etc. are migrated automatically. The only thing left is for them to log in to Businessmap, requesting a reset of their password. As we have more enhanced roles and privileges after the migration it would be wise to review and adjust the permissions for your users. - Cards
All card properties, such as deadlines, priority, color, types, labels, etc., will be migrated and adjusted to the Businessmap ones. If there are custom fields, those will be created and applied as well, copying all values from Leankit to Businessmap. The cards and sub-tasks will be assigned to the same corresponding users as well. - History and Comments
All comments will be available inside the cards in Businessmap with the Author of the comment and the exact time in the past when the comment was added. All modifications of properties, movements, and activities are also available inside the history log tab for auditing and tracking. - Links and Positions
All existing links between cards in Leankit will be associated accordingly in Businessmap, and the correct positioning of the cards will be in place.
Note: We have several types of links Child, Parent, and Relative. The system will try to associate these accordingly. As we have enhanced copying capabilities and keeping in sync fields between linked cards, you might reconsider adopting your workflows and use business rules automation.
- Analytics
As all events and transitions are migrated, the analytics module can give you real data information in all charts of the analytics module.
Note: We have 4 main sections that are used in Businessmap. Having the right columns located in the right sections (Backlog, Requested, In progress, and Done) is crucial to getting proper metrics from the analytics. From Edit Workflow, you can move columns in the different sections, this will also move the historical (analytical) data as well for further analysis.
As the Leankit data migration requires special scripts to be executed, read API access to your existing account, and some serious preparation from our side, please get in touch with us via the support team, and we'll assist you with the migration details and next steps.
In any case, if you encounter some technical issue, don't find the information on this page, or have any struggle to import your data, just contact our support team, and we'll get back to you right away.