What Are Card Revisions?
How to Access Card Revisions?
How to Restore a Card to a Previous Revision?
Restoring Subtasks
What Are Card Revisions?
The card revisions functionality saves a new card revision every time a card is updated. This is useful for value changes that are recorded as a historical event but the old value is not always preserved in the History tab. Most commonly, this feature is used to see how and when the card's description has been changed over time.
It allows for every given change in a card to be recorded and provides the ability to restore the previous state. This creates a safety net when multiple people work on a card at the same time and offers an easy way to track the progress on a given card through the revisions.
How to Access Card Revisions?
To access a card’s revisions, a user must have a board role that allows them to open the card details and edit them.
You can find each card's revisions in the three-dot menu in the top right corner.
How to Restore a Card to a Previous Revision?
When you click on the Revisions button, a list of all card versions appears. After selecting the version you want to review, the following window will appear that details the properties of that card in the selected version.
You can either restore all card fields to the version you want, or you can deselect irrelevant ones.
- If card size and/or card deadline are configured using formulas, they won't be restored (check the image above).
- The card attachments, watchers, and position cannot be restored to a previous revision. Custom fields will be merged.
Restoring Subtasks
Each time you delete a subtask, the system creates a new revision. If you delete multiple subtasks, the system will generate multiple revisions. That is why you need to carefully check when you restore a card to a previous revision. Since revisions take the current version of the card and compare it to the previous revision, there are cases when you can restore more than the intended subtasks.
To illustrate this better, let's look at an example:
Let's say you have a card with 4 subtasks — A, B, C, and D.
- If you delete subtask D, a revision will be created. On your current card, you will have subtasks A, B, and C.
- If you then delete subtask C, another revision will be created. On your current card, you will have subtasks A and B.
- Now when you go back and try to restore the revision with subtask D, you will restore both subtask C and D because the difference between the revision and the current card is both subtasks.
- You can then delete subtask C so you can achieve the desired result of just having subtasks A, B, and D on the card.
Check our dedicated article on how to work with subtasks if you want to learn more.