1. Introduction
2. How to send an email from the card?
3. Type of emails within the card (From:)
4. How does email integration work for Internal Users?
1. Introduction
When you integrate a Businessmap email address or your own custom domain email address to Businessmap, you can process, track, and store your email correspondence on the Kanban board.
The Businessmap Email Integration feature hooks your inbox to your board(s) and every email you receive will be transformed into a card.
To check the email body, you should open the card.
The original email (the email body) is delivered in the Details tab (the description section) of the card.
To Reply back to an email from the card, open the Comments tab of the card and press "E" to open the email mode of the card and to add an email (img.1).
- Add Comment (Ctrl + Shift +C)
- Send as Email (Ctrl+Shift+E)
- Reply to Author (Ctrl+R)
- Reply to All (Ctrl+Shift+R)
2. How to send an email from the card?
The Email Subject is visible as a card Title (1).
Use the dropdown menu in the "From" field (2) to select an email that your recipients will see.
Important: The default 'reply from' user would be the last email integrated user added as a member on the board where the card is located**. However, if you are a Workspace Manager of the board (or have the “change board configurations” permission), you can set a default email sender address from the dropdown menu in the From field. To do that, click the “@” icon next to the address you want to set as default for the board.
In addition, every user can set their own default sender for the board from the “Personal Board Settings” panel. Keep in mind that if a user has set a default email sender, it will override the email address set by the Workspace Manager for that specific user. The “notifications” email (e.g. cannot be set as a personal default sender.
In the "To" field (3), enter the recipient's email. If you want to send an email to multiple recipients, you can add each email address to the "To" field using a comma, colon, semicolon, or space to separate the emails. You can also do a simple copy-paste command for all addresses you want to send an email to.
Similarly to default senders, you can also set a default email receiver for the board. Select the “@” symbol from the dropdown list in the “To” field. You can select the card's Owner, Reporter, or any other user in the account. You need to be a Workspace Manager or have the “change board configurations” permission to set a default receiver.
The Comments text box where you create your message supports rich text with custom text formatting such as Bold, Italic, Underlining, text color, size, etc. The email message can also include images and links. You can attach files to a message through “Add File” (4).
To send the email, press Add Comment (5).
** Important clarification about the expected system behavior with and without a default sender configured for a board:
- By default, there is a “notifications” email added by the system for each board (e.g.
- If no default email sender is set, each new integrated email that is added to the board will appear as the default sender.
- The integrated emails in the “From” dropdown are arranged in alphabetical order.
- When the default email sender is removed from the board, the system will display another one of the integrated emails, the field will not be left blank. Therefore, we suggest manually checking if you're sending an email from the integrated email you want.
Please, check out the following dedicated article in order to:
- learn how emails sent from the card get delivered
- find out how the email thread gets displayed on the card
3. Type of emails within the card (From:)
In Businessmap, you can send emails from the default email address (Option 1) or from the integrated email address (Option 2)
- - this is a default e-mail address and no additional justifications are required. You can send emails to anyone (external email and/or a registered user within the account).
IMPORTANT: If you send emails from to external users and they reply back, their answer will be lost. The notifications email is used mainly for notifications purposes and communication inside the team (users registered within Businessmap).
OPTION 2 (custom):
If you want to send emails to non-registered users and respectively keep your email thread within the card Comments tab, you should first have integrated and set up an email specifically for this case (Administration -> Email Integration-> Add new receiver).
Check out the dedicated article here.
4. How does email integration work for Internal Users?
If you select E (send as email), you can send an email directly to the card creator - a registered Businessmap user. The system will automatically add a recipient - this will be the username of the card author. Create your message and click on the "Add comment" button to send it to that user.