In this article:
1. Introduction to the Home Dashboard
2. How to Create a Custom Dashboard
2.1. Dashboard Examples
3. How to Share Your Dashboards?
3.1. Share Dashboard with Users
3.2. Share Dashboard with Teams
4. Dashboards in the Account Administration Menu
5. Additional Home Dashboard Navigation
Let's have a quick overview of the home dashboard, which is the entry point of your account.
1. Introduction to the Home Dashboard
The All Workspaces Dashboard serves as a Home Page and provides centralized information and monitoring of all Workspaces and Boards in your account.
A list of all custom Dashboards is available under the All Workspaces button (1). Every new Dashboard appears at the bottom of the list, but you can rearrange the order with a drag-and-drop. Right under the All Workspaces button is the Dashboard filter (2) that lets you search for a particular dashboard by typing its name.
You create a new Dashboard page from the New Dashboard button (3).
The Favorite Boards pane (4) located at the top of your All Workspaces Home Page displays all boards in your account that were marked as Favorite (by clicking on the heart icon). When you mark a board as a favorite, it appears as such for you only - it doesn't appear as a favorite for anyone else.
With the My Workspaces buttons (5), you can perform the following actions:
- Create a Workspace
- Show the Archived Workspaces and Boards panel
Use the Filter (6) to quickly find workspaces and boards in your Home dashboard. You can locate workspaces by their names. For boards, you can search by their name or the board ID. It is possible to search for multiple boards and/or workspaces at once. Just separate the names or IDs with commas (without adding extra spaces).
Pro Tip: You can configure the home dashboard to auto-open a selected board upon every login into the account, instead of going to the dashboard. This is done by hovering your mouse over a board and clicking on the 'auto-open' icon.
2. How to Create a Custom Dashboard
Every Businessmap user can create a dashboard. The system allows you to create multiple custom dashboards inside Businessmap to meet the unique needs of your organization. Each dashboard can display a combination of:
- Workspaces — add workspaces that are relevant to the Dashboard context.
- Widgets — add widgets, including analytics charts, custom search reports, and advanced Power BI reports to track critical business health metrics.
- Workspaces and widgets — combine Workspaces and Widgets in a logical group (e.g. a project workspace with the respective metrics).
When you create a new Dashboard, you can add a Workspace (1) or a Widget (2) to it.
2.1. Dashboard Examples
The Dashboard below combines workspaces and widgets to easily monitor the health of your business and interpret information at a glance.
This is an example of a widgets-only dashboard:
- Only dashboard managers can arrange the position of workspaces and widgets. The workspaces/widgets order will remain uniform for all users who have access to the dashboard.
- Each Dashboard can contain a maximum of 10 widgets.
3. How to Share Your Dashboards?
Your dashboards can be shared with individual users or teams inside the account.
Use the setting of the selected dashboard and go to “Users” or “Teams.” Choose individual users or, respectively, entire teams to share your dashboard with. The users/teams you select will see the same workspaces and widgets as you and can interact with them.
- The data visualized in the widgets depends on the permissions of each user in the system. Therefore, some users may see different data inside the widgets than others.
- If the users/teams are not assigned to the boards in the shared Dashboard, they will not be able to see these boards or the widgets that are derived from them.
3.1. Share Dashboard with Users
Use the filter to quickly find the user you are looking for or scroll up and down. Slide the "Dashboard Members" toggle, and the selected team member will be able to see the corresponding dashboard.
You can further assign the user as a "Dashboard manager" to let them modify your dashboard, i.e. add/remove users, workspaces, and widgets, and change the dashboard name.
3.2. Share Dashboard with Teams
You can share Dashboards with entire teams. Slide the "Dashboard members" toggle, and all team members within the selected Team will be able to see the dashboard. You can also assign them in bulk as Dashboard managers.
When sharing a dashboard with a widget on it, everyone will be able to edit their own copy of the widget with the data it has been set up with. Users with the "Dashboard Manager" role can synchronize the view of the widget by re-configuring the widget and clicking the Save Changes button. This changes the configuration of the widget to the latest one for all users on the dashboard.
Other Dashboard options and settings:
- Rename — change the name of the dashboard.
- Background — personalize your dashboard's background. You can use a solid color or choose from a list of images provided by Unsplash. Note that you cannot use a custom image as a background.
- Hide/Show — Use this option to temporarily hide a dashboard page. This will basically add the page to the 'hidden dashboards' list. You will still continue to be a member of that dashboard page, but it will be visualized as 'hidden' in the list. You would still be able to see all the hidden dashboards and 'restore' them by using the 'Show' option. Please note that this setting applies to your view only.
- Refresh widgets* — Use this option to refresh all widgets on the dashboard page.
- Users — Use this menu to check which users can access the selected dashboard page.
- Teams — Use this menu to check which teams can access the selected dashboard page.
- Workspaces — a management panel to control which workspaces will be present in the dashboard.
- Delete — remove the dashboard page permanently.
* The information in the widgets is automatically refreshed once every 24 hours.
When you open a Dashboard, all of the widget data will load from the last cache that you have stored. If there is new data available, it will start refreshing.
You will see a refresh button appear in the top right corner of the widget and a countdown until the refresh. You can cancel the refresh by clicking on the X button. You can still manually refresh all the widgets in the dashboard from this menu.
4. Dashboards in the Account Administration Menu
You need to be an Account Owner or have the 'Manage Dashboards' admin privilege to be able to access the dedicated 'Dashboards' panel in the Administration.
It provides an overview of all dashboards in your account and gives information for each dashboard. The panel displays all dashboards in a table format and includes the following information:
- The name of the dashboard (1)
- The dashboard's unique ID (2)
- the number of users (3) who have access to each dashboard page
- the number of teams (4) that have access to each dashboard page
- the number of workspaces (5) that are added to each dashboard page
- the number of widgets (6) that are added to each dashboard page
The settings menu allows Account Owners and users with the 'Manage Dashboards' admin privilege to manage users and teams that are assigned to the dashboard as well as to add/remove workspaces.
5. Additional Home Dashboard Navigation
- Advanced Search (1) — use it to quickly search for a card by typing a keyword or a card ID. Use the magnifying glass to run custom reports based on the data in your account.
- The Administration menu (2) is the area where Account Owners and Workspace Managers have control over new and existing users and teams, roles and privileges, business rules and integrations, and so on.
- The Reports tool (3) — generate various reports to better track your progress and goals.
- Help Center (4) — check our Help Center to learn how to make the most of Businessmap. You can find helpful videos, tutorials, and links to our What's New (product update) articles.
- Notifications (5) — sign up for in-app or email notifications to keep track of your team's activities and/or your own actions. You have the option to subscribe only for notifications you are interested in. Note: Notification settings are configured per board.
- My Account (6) lets you easily manage your personal account details, such as username, password, time zone, etc.