In this article:
1. Overview of the Users Management Tab
2. How to Manage User Details?
2.1. Name, Username, E-Mail Address
2.2. Admin Privileges
2.3. Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)
2.4. Registration Members Settings (edit user information, delete, disable/enable users)
2.5. Invite New Users to Your Account
In general, the User Management panel helps you manage users, their roles, and capabilities within the account. Here is how to navigate this panel and the available settings.
1. Overview of the Users Management Tab
The User Management panel is available in your account Administration. From there, you can see and manage all users added to the account, as well as their roles, board membership, privileges, WIP limits, dashboards, saved searches, and reports.
The Users tab stores all registered members in your account in a Table format. Once you invite a new user, their names become available in Users. Note that users who have been disabled will be highlighted in red. Filter out or scroll down to find the selected user name.
This is the information you will see for each user:
- Registration Name (1)
- Username (2)
- Email Address (3)
- User Attributes (if any are created, e.g. Department) (4)
- Admin Privileges (5)
- 2FA (6)
- Registration settings (7)
- Invite User link (8)
2. How to Manage User Details?
2.1. Name, Username, E-Mail Address
If you have the Account Owner privilege, you can change users' registration name, username, and registration email address. You can do that from the three-dot icon of the selected user. Select the “edit member” setting from the dropdown menu to modify the editable fields.
You can also sort out the information alphabetically by clicking on the column headers (1,2,3,4).
2.2. Admin Privileges
Account Owners can grant or remove user privileges. Admin privileges grant users extensive rights to perform different actions in the system. Click on any value (the No Admin Privileges link) under the Admin Privileges column to open the Admin Privilege panel. Select the privileges you want to enable and click on Update Privileges. Note that you can grant privileges per user.
Here is the list of privileges in Businessmap:
- Account Owner (includes all of the below)
- Create Workspaces
- Make Payments
- Manage Business Rules
- Manage Outcome Rules
- Manage Integrations
- Invite Users
- Enable/Disable Users
- Delete Users
- Manage Teams
- Manage User WIP Limits
- Manage Roles
- Manage Card Elements
- Manage Security Settings
- Manage Dashboards
- Manage Logged Time
- Access Audit Logs
For a more detailed overview, please check our guide on admin privileges in Businessmap.
2.3. Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)
Raise the security of your account by adding a second step to the login process, where users are asked to provide a one-time password generated by the Businessmap mobile map. Account owners can enable the 2FA per user or for all users in the account — just checkmark the box for the selected user(s).
2.4. Registration Members Settings (edit user information, delete, disable/enable users)
Account owners and users with the respective privileges can use the Registration Members Settings to perform various user-related actions. Just select a user and click on the three-dot icon in the rightmost column of the table to open the settings panel, where you can:
- Edit member information — change the user's name, username, or email address.
- Edit admin privileges — update privileges.
- Assigned Boards — the panel shows all boards in your account. The user is assigned to all marked boards. Checkmark an empty box to assign users to other boards in your account and give them a role or Workspace Manager permissions.
- Assigned Teams — similar to boards, here you can manage the teams that the user is assigned to.
- Reset the 2FA key.
- Disable/enable member — disabled users cannot access the account anymore and their license seat gets free, while all of their information is preserved in the system. With this feature, you can use one license and switch between different users without having to delete anyone. When you disable a user, their name will be highlighted in red.
- Delete member — delete a user from your Businessmap account. When you delete a user, their name will be highlighted in red. Check the dedicated article about deleting, enabling, and disabling users here.
2.5. Invite New Users to Your Account
Account Owners or users with the relevant privileges can use the Invite User link to invite new members to their Businessmap account. You can invite new team members over their email addresses.
You can learn more about inviting users to Businessmap here.