If you want to change your Businessmap registration email address, please follow these steps:
Step 1: Click your "Avatar/Username" in the upper right corner of your account interface.
Step 2: Select "My Account" to open your Account Details.
Step 3: Enter your new email address in the corresponding email field and save it.
Step 4: You will get the "New Email" system message. It informs you that a confirmation email will be sent to your new address. The email address will be changed once the request is confirmed. The link will expire in 24 hours.
Note: The new email address will be updated immediately without a confirmation email if the "Do not send email notification upon email address change" setting is enabled.
Step 5: Sign in to the new email address and follow the link to confirm the change.
Step 6: Once you follow the link, a new window will open. Enter and confirm your password.
Step 7: You will receive a confirmation message that the email was changed successfully and you can log in with the new credentials.
Step 8: Use the new email address to access your account.
Important: You cannot change your email if it is used in the Email Integration module. You have to first remove it/modify it and then integrate the new one. Read more about email integration in Businessmap.