1. Modify Work Items from Advanced Search
2. Analyze Impediments with The Blockers Report
3. Copy Dashboards & Widgets
4. Ignore Cycle Time in Boards Flow Metrics
5. View Board & Workspace Audit Logs
6. Other Improvements
1. Modify Work Items from Advanced Search
The main highlight of our latest product release – 10.2, is the ability to edit card details directly from the Advanced Search. With this improvement, you can quickly modify work items in a batch, even across multiple boards.
To put this into practice, once you’ve filtered your data in the Advanced Search, all you have to do is click on a column area representing eligible for editing card properties and make your changes.
You can edit the following:
- Owner
- Co-Owners
- Title
- Type
- Priority
- Size
- Blockers
- Tags
- Stickers
- Planned Start/End Dates
- Deadline
- Custom Fields
Furthermore, you can update multiple work items in a batch (regardless if they reside on different boards) by holding CTRL/CMD and selecting the cards you want to modify. For your convenience, there is a “Select All” option in the top left corner of your search results. With its help, you can automatically select up to 500 cards (if there are that many) as part of a given search.
Before we continue, there are a few notes we should mention:
- When batch editing certain card elements across different boards (type, owner, blockers, tags, stickers, and custom fields) where not all of them are present, the system will give you the option to either a) Update the applicable cards or b) Add the missing element/user to the board and update all cards.
Don’t forget that adding missing elements or users to boards depends on your user permissions. - When batch editing card properties such as tags and co-owners, you can choose whether to override the existing ones (if there are any).
- The limit of cards you can modify at once is 500.
- Keep in mind that aside from the Advanced Search, the same batch editing settings across boards are applicable to other places where you can select multiple cards/initiatives (ex., Management boards). As a result of this improvement, the ability to add Co-owners is now present inside а card’s context menu.
You can learn more about modifying work items from the Advanced Search in our dedicated article.
2. Analyze Impediments with The Blockers Report
To help you extract reports about your blockers and understand how different impediments impact your process, we’re introducing the “Blockers Report” inside our Reporting facility.
Based on a given date range, the report provides you with insights into your process blockages in different views. Let’s briefly go over them below.
2.1. Pivot View
The default pivot view summarizes the types of blockers in your process and shows how long they took (on average and in total), including how many times they occurred. This information is displayed through the following values:
- Block time avg.
- Block time sum.
- Block time count.
By configuring your pivot table, you can visualize many more details, such as additional values, rows, columns, filters, etc., and delve into unlimited details for your blockers analysis.
2.2. Table View
If you switch to the table view of the Blockers report, you can visualize your process blockers based on a specific card through the following default columns:
- Card ID – a given card’s ID. Note that multiple blockers on the same card will be visualized with a unique row inside the table.
- Blockers – the type of blocker that occurred on a card.
- Comment – displays the block comment (if there was any)
- Block Start – when a specific work item was first blocked
- Block End – when the impediment was resolved. If a blocker is still active, the table field will remain blank.
- Block Time (Days) - how long the blocker remained active, depending on your chosen date range.
- Workspace
- Board Name
- Workflow
- Section
As usual, you can add more table columns by configuring your table’s results.
To learn more about the Blockers report, check out our dedicated article.
3. Copy Dashboards & Widgets
Moving on, we’re making it possible to copy your widgets or even entire dashboards.
3.1. Copying Dashboards
To clone a dashboard, all you have to do is access its settings (from the “three dots”) and select the dedicated option.
Once you do that, the system will give you the following options (pre-selected by default):
- Include users – preserve the existing users on the new dashboard with their personal settings
- Include teams – preserve the existing dashboard teams
- Include workspaces – transfer the same workspaces to the new dashboard
- Include widgets – transfer the existing widgets to the new dashboard
3.2. Copying Widgets
On the other hand, cloning widgets happens from the widget’s settings (accessible from the “three dots”). Once you select the dedicated option, the system will ask you to specify the target dashboard where to clone the widget.
Note: To clone dashboards and widgets, you must be a dashboard manager or have the “Manage dashboards” admin privilege.
You can learn more about cloning dashboards and widgets here.
4. Ignore Cycle Time in Boards Flow Metrics
To make your work more flexible with the Boards Flow Metrics widget, you can now “Ignore Cycle Time Configuration” from your data. As a result, the widget will take into consideration the total time of your cards on a given board(s).
5. View Board & Workspace Audit Logs
To give you access to more historical account information, we’re making it possible to view user-invoked actions about Boards and Workspaces inside your Audit Logs. This improvement ensures you can keep track of the entire history of boards and workspaces from creation to deletion.
In both the Boards and Workspaces Audit Logs, you can see the results only for a specific board/workspace or clear the selection if you wish to see data for all boards/workspaces in your account.
6. Other Improvements
As usual, our latest version – 10.2, brings several other improvements. Let’s summarize them below.
- Convert Personal to Board Level Quick Filters
To save you time, you can now quickly promote a personal quick filter to a board-level one. Keep in mind that once applied, you won’t be able to revert this action.
NOTE: As part of this improvement, we want to inform you that we’ve now officially removed the functionality to share filters with users. Instead, you can use board-level filters. If you currently have shared personal filters, remember that you can remove selected users, or they can remove themselves from those filters.
- “Linked Card is Updated” Business Rules Improvement
Furthermore, we’ve added a new “Only propagate the changes made with this update” checkbox when copying co-owners, stickers, and tags via the “linked card is updated” business rules. When turned on, it will ensure that the existing co-owners/stickers/tags remain on the target card and only those from the triggering card are added/removed.
- Edit Custom Fields from Outcome Details
To facilitate your work with outcomes, you can now quickly edit a custom field’s details when setting up a new outcome in an initiative.
- No Date Restrictions When Creating Checkpoints
Finally, we’ve changed the behavior when creating outcome checkpoints. From now on, you will be able to visualize past and future checkpoints even before a given start or target date.
Happy Kanbanizing with version 10.2!