1. Card Template and Type Improvements
The card Templates and Types facilitate everyday work with the system and help teams to streamline their work. With Product Release 6.20, we improve the way users add types and templates to the boards in their accounts.
- Card Templates
With this release, when you create a new template you can choose the boards where you want this template to be available (New). By default, the system automatically adds it to all boards in the Workspace, but lets you easily deselect certain boards. Just click the "x" sign on the board you want to remove.Note: If you create a new board in the respective Workspace, it will automatically obtain the existing templates. For additional information, please check the dedicated article. - Card Types
Similarly to the templates, we facilitated the way users add Types to boards.
When creating a new type the system automatically adds it to all boards in the Workspace. Users can easily deselect the inapplicable boards by clicking the "x" sign.
Note: If you create a new board in the respective Workspace, it will automatically obtain the existing types. To get more details, please check the dedicated article.
2. Audit Logs Export
With Release 6.20, all types of audit logs are now available for export in Excel sheet format.
Each exported table matches the original one as displayed in the respective Audit log. You can use the filters to refine the time spam of exported audit log events.
3. Enhanced "Blocked child card" and "All children are unblocked" business rules
- "Blocked Child Card" rule
The Blocked child card business rule is now configurable to match specific criteria.
The core rule behavior is preserved, except for one thing. Users who set up the automation can now define the child card filter and specify the conditions that trigger the block action.
When users create a new rule, the Board filter will be applied by default. This means that the rule will be executed only for the boards you specify in the filter. If you remove the board property and activate the rule, it will be executed for the entire account.
Users can use the "Add new property" functionality to set up additional criteria.
Note: If this business rule is already active in your account, there will be no changes in the system behavior. It will be executed globally for the account.
*Open the image in a new tab to get a closer view.
Important: Prior to this change the system automatically blocked an Initiative if any of its child cards were blocked. This was embedded system automation that no longer persists in the software.
Currently, you have to activate the "Blocked Child card" rule if you want to keep the old system behavior. Otherwise, the Initiative only reflects that the child is blocked but it does not get the block status itself. - "All children are unblocked" rule
The "All children are unblocked" rule is now configurable to be executed under specified criteria.
Users who set up the automation can use the "all children" filter to specify the conditions that will trigger the unblock action.
When users create a new rule, the Board filter will be applied by default. This means that the rule will be applied only on the boards you specify in the filter. If you remove the board property and activate the rule, it will be executed for the entire account.
Users can use the Add new property functionality to set up additional criteria.
Note: If this business rule is already active in your account, there will be no changes in the system behavior. It will be executed globally for the account.
4. Other Product Improvements
We delivered some more enhancements in different product areas that will improve your experience with Kanbanize. Here is the list of changes:
- Workflow UX improvement
If you vertically merge cells that belong to different swimlanes and fold any of the swimlanes, the cards in the shared cells remain visible. - Administration panel - UX improvement
In Kanbanize 6.20, we revamped the Administration panel, so users can easily and quickly get access to the respective administration tabs and sub-tabs. - Archived boards alert
When users archive a Kanban board, the system will notify them if there are any unfinished cards within it. Note: Cards located in the "Backlog", "Requested" and "In Progress" sections are considered as not finished. - Excel export enhancement
If users export cards with custom IDs, the values will be made available under a separate column in the exported Excel spreadsheet. - Excel import enhancement
- Create new cards with Custom ID using Excel: Users can now import cards with Custom ID values.
The spreadsheet should contain a column header "Custom Card ID".
- Update existing cards with Custom Card ID using Excel: If the Excel file that users import to update cards, contains both Card ID column and Custom Card ID column, the system takes with a priority the default Card ID when updating the cards. Note: In case you want to update your cards by Custom Card ID, you have to delete the default Card ID column in the Excel file to avoid confusion. - Workspace template enhancement
The Create New Workspace Template panel now displays the Team and Management Boards in their default colors: blue and green, respectively.
1. If the Workspace template contains Team workflows only, it can be applied:
- as a new Workspace.
- to an existing Workspaces that consists of Team workflows only.
2. If the Workspace template contains Management workflows only, it can be applied:
- as a new Workspace.
- to an existing Workspace that consists of Management workflows only.
3. If the Workspace template contains both Team and Management Workflows, it can be applied as a new Workspace only.