1. New Timeline Report Widget
The new "Timeline Report" widget shows a traffic light status (red/yellow/green) of all Initiatives (both started and completed) in the selected Timeline workflow.
The status indicates if the progress of already started initiatives goes in accordance with the initial plan and also pinpoints progress delays. In a quick glimpse, you can see if completed initiatives are finished on time or with a delay.
When a user pins their widget on the dashboard, it lists the Timeline Initiatives: both in progress and completed (img.1). The status of each initiative is colorized:
- Red indicates that the Initiative's progress is 20% or more behind the schedule. For completed initiatives, red means that the initiative has been finished with a delay greater than 20%.
- Yellow indicates that the Initiative's progress is behind schedule with up to 19%.
- Green indicates that the Initiative progress is according to the plan.
On hover, an additional tooltip displays what the Initiative progress percentage is expected to be vs the current progress delay (%).
When the initiative is completed, the tooltip shows the days of delay, if any.
The widget also indicates any deviations from the planned Start and End date of the Initiative.
To learn more about the Timeline Report widget, please check the dedicated article.
2. Improved Timeline Initiatives progress indicator
With this product update, if there is a delay, the system will color the Initiative's progress indicator in yellow or red (up to 19% delay, 20%+ delay respectively).
3. "Cumulative size" of Initiatives
Every Initiative contains a certain number of cards or other children initiatives that outline it. However, each child card/initiative may be sized differently.
In this Release, we have added the ability to get the cumulative size of the Initiative in a dedicated field.
The cumulative size of the Initiative is calculated as the sum of the sizes of all its child cards.
The system considers if there is a further break down of the linked work items in a hierarchy in order to sum up the actual total size.
If the card size filed is empty, the default size of the card is “1”.
Here is an example of how the system calculates the cumulative size:
Example 1: If you break down your work into a hierarchy of two levels, then the Initiative's cumulative size equals the sum of the sizes of its children cards (15).
Example 2: If the work structure is in a multi-level hierarchy, here is how we get the cumulative size.
When you break down your work into multiple levels, you usually visualize a tree-like structure i.e.
Level 1: In the context of Kanbanize, we may assume that Level 1 is the Strategic level.
In the example below, we have visualized the strategic Initiative named "Quarter 3" on the Timeline Workflow.
Level 2: The "Q3" Initiative is broken down into multiple projects that need to be accomplished in that quarter.
Level 3: Each project is broken down into smaller deliverables (Level 3).
To calculate the cumulative size of a Level 1 initiative, the system will walk the hierarchy from top to bottom and will determine if any values of the size field have been set. If such values have been found, the system will sum them.
It is important to mention that the system will not continue the search to Level 3, in case values have been discovered on Level 2.
4. Average Cycle time curve in the"Boards Flow Metric" widget
5. Type Management improvements
For example, a card type named "Risk" that is enabled on "Board A" and on a "Board B" can have a red color in "Board A" and a yellow color in "Board B".
This product version is part of our persistent efforts to achieve premium usability and even more powerful functionality. Here is the list of enhancements:
- The Product Interface languages have been updated to the latest product version. You can use Kanbanize in English, German, French, Spanish, and Portuguese.
- The Card Subtask tab got a refreshed new look and improved functionality. A rich-text editor becomes available in the Subtasks text box.
- We have added a delicate dark overlay on the boards to improve the contrast between the background and the cards.
- The "Less than X days ago" selection is added in the "Last moved" option of the Board Filter option.
- А new SSO integration setting has been added to ensure a more secure environment and controlled access. If the setting is checked, it automatically creates a Kanbanize user for the unregistered emails upon login. When the setting is unchecked, you need to first send a Kanbanize email invitation to the user in order to be able to log in to the system using the SSO flow.
The Board filter behavior that applies to the Timeline Workflow is now improved.
The Timeline Initiatives that do not match the specified criteria will be hidden completely. If all Timeline Initiatives in a certain Timeline track do not match the criteria the respective track shrinks.
7. Mobile Improvements
Available for iOS and Android
This month we updated our mobile apps with the Favorite Boards feature.
You can now filter the dashboard to show only your favorite boards, which are synced with the web app.
Tap the star icon in the upper right corner to toggle the filter on and off. You can also toggle the favorite status of each board by tapping the star icon on the right of each board.