1. New Date Filters In Analytics
Our latest version - 8.5, comes with an improvement in how you load data for different time periods in the Analytics module. So far, the standard way for filtering dates has been by using the “Requested After” and “Finished Before” fields, which are now replaced by “start date”/”end date”/”created at” filters.
This change was necessary because many of you have asked for a fine-tuned control over the analyzed data sets. So, from now on, you can enable the “Start Date”, “End Date” and “Created at” properties from the “Add Cards Filter” option.
With their help, you will be able to get a much more refined set of data than before. Suppose that you wanted to analyze the cards in your process that started this month but also finished in the last week of May. In this case, you could apply the following filters: “Start Date” is “This Month” and “End Date” is “Between 2021-05-24 and 2021-05-30”.
You can also dive into an even deeper analysis by using the “Created at” property. Combining it with “Start Date” and “End Date” filters will give you numerous scenarios to extract the specific set of data you need.
Note: You won’t be able to load Analytics data without enabling either “Start Date”, “End Date”, or “Created at” properties. Furthermore, this change will reflect the widgets in your dashboard area, where you’ll get a custom notification about your current configurations for the time being.
2. Token-Based WIP Limits
We are happy to present an important new addition to the software - the ability to apply token-based WIP limits. This will help you restrict how many tokens/stickers of a given type can “live” on your boards and cards. As a result, you will be able to implement the idea of a physical Kanban board with movable tokens (such as magnets) where they usually have a limited number.
The token-based WIP limits are useful when you want to restrict a particular work in your process (ex. work items that need a specific material). An example is when you have a limited capacity of a given resource (ex. machine, budget, etc.) which is represented by a sticker. With limits on that sticker, you can ensure that no more than a specific number of work items (Kanban cards) that need the resource can use it at the same time.
You can access the new functionality by editing a sticker only on a board level. There, under the “Advanced Settings”, you will see the option to specify the maximum number of stickers you can have per board and card.
So, imagine that you add a limit of 4 (per board) and 1 (per card) on a sticker “X”. In this case, the system will not allow you to apply more than 4 stickers of that type on your board and more than 1 on a card.
It’s also important to mention that this works only for active cards in your workflow. In other words - work items that are not in the “Done” or “Ready to Archive” sections of the board.
3. Changes in “Edit Workflow”
Kanbanize 8.5 brings a brand new look to the workflow editor. When you access it, you will notice that all the configurations from the top (Board name, Card size type, etc.) are transferred to the left sidebar. Moreover, once you make an edit to a workflow (ex. add a new column), the options to save/discard or undo/redo will now appear on the top of the left sidebar.
A bigger change that you will see in the workflow editor is how you create new workflows. Instead of having separate buttons for creating Initiatives/Timeline/Cards workflows, you can now do that from a single “Create New Workflow” option which opens up a new window. There, you get brief information about each of the workflow types so that you can choose the right one for your needs.
Furthermore, once you select a given type, as a next step, you can configure its settings (name, cycle time, built-in rules) before creating the new workflow.
Other than that, another improvement in the workflow editor relates to the SLE feature which we introduced in our last release. The system will now visually indicate when an SLE is set up as well as show you how many SLEs have been configured when you hover over the “clock-like” icon.
4. Creating Multitude of Cards
Version 8.5 of Kanbanize also introduces the functionality to add multiple Kanban cards to your process without manually creating every single one of them over and over again.
A good example would be when you have tasks whose details are known, and you want to create 3 cards for them quickly. When adding the first one, next to the “Add Card” button, you will see a new “Save and Add New” function. Clicking it will create the first card on your board, save its details and give you the option to add another card to the workflow.
This also comes in handy when breaking down projects/initiatives, as you won’t have to go back and forth creating child cards. Instead, you can simply use the “Save and Add New” function to add multiple new child cards while retaining their parent link. Furthermore, using the hotkey “ctrl+shift+enter”, you can create numerous cards without even lifting a finger from the keyboard.
5. Copy Business Rules
Lastly, with version 8.5, we give you the option to copy business rules.
The new functionality is accessible from the “Business Rules” engine, where between the options to edit or delete a given rule, you will notice a new “copy” icon.
Clicking it will replicate the business rule and give you the option to change its details before applying it.
Happy Kanbanizing with Kanbanize 8.5!