1. New Default Card Template Setting on Boards
One of the highlights of this release is a major update in the default card templates which enables you to apply them to different areas in your work process. From now on, users who have permission to edit boards will be able to set default card templates per:
- Board
- Workflow
- Lane
You can access the new option in the following ways:
1. First, by going inside the workflow editor under “Board Configurations”.
There, you can choose which one of your existing card templates to use and then specify the location where to apply it. You can also easily edit or delete any of the default templates that have already been applied.
2. The second way is directly from your board through the “Board Policies” panel. There, you will find the option to set up default templates separately for board (under “Board Rules”), Workflow (under “Workflow Rules”), and Lane (under “Lane Rules”).
Note that only for users who have already set a default template from the “Board Settings” panel, the option will still remain available with their chosen card template. This will be the case until they remove their personal setting.
2. Dark Mode in Kanbanize
As part of the UX/UI improvements we’ve been releasing over the last several months, we’re introducing the “Dark Mode” in Kanbanize. This is a huge visual enhancement in the system but keep in mind that it’s still a beta version.
Here’s how the “Dark Mode” looks like on a board:
You can change the system’s primary light theme to dark by choosing the “Use dark mode” option in your account details under the “My Account” panel.
3. Duplicate Existing Workflows
To help you reuse existing workflows within the same or across different boards, we’re giving you the ability to duplicate them. You can do this from the workflow editor in 2 ways:
1. First, you will find a new “copy” icon on top of an existing workflow. Clicking it will open up a “Boards List” window where you can choose which board(s) to copy the respective workflow into. The first option is related to copying existing workflows from the current board into external ones.
2. Second, when choosing to create a new workflow, you will find a “Copy Existing” option next to the different types of workflows. Selecting it will open up a board minimap where you can specify which workflows to copy/move from external boards into the one that you’re currently editing.
Note that when copying workflows, their existing structure (columns, lanes) including configurations (cycle time, SLEs, Exit criteria, etc.) will be applied to a given board. The cards from the copied workflow will not be duplicated.
4. Execution Logs in Business Rules
To improve how you track the execution of your active business rules, we’re introducing an “Execution Logs” field inside every configured rule.
You can access it by:
1. Clicking the 3 dots on the right-hand side of the “Business Rules” panel;
2. Selecting the respective option in the top left corner when editing a given rule.
Inside the “Execution Logs”, you will see details about where and when the specific business rule was executed.
5. New Predicate Field in “Card is Updated” Rule
Moving forward, we’re releasing a new “comment is added” predicate action in the “Card is Updated” business rule. Note that inside the rule, the field is called “Comment (new)”. As the name suggests, the trigger enables you to execute various actions on a card whenever a new comment is added to it.
6. “Last Comment” Search Property
We’re also introducing a “Last Comment” property in the search results. You can use it to refine/configure search criteria based on the last comment on a card. To get even more thorough data from the search results, the property allows you to specify whether the last comment “contains/doesn’t contain” a certain text string.
7. Working Days in Board Flow Metrics
To help you extract precise data from the Board Flow Metrics widget, we’re giving you the ability to configure working days there. This comes in handy when you need to exclude weekends from your cycle time metrics.
8. Other Improvements
- Apply Card Templates Across Workspaces
In our latest version, you will be able to add card templates to boards from different workspaces (keep in mind you need to be a workspace manager there or an account owner). This enables you to use one template across workspaces without having to duplicate it which makes the maintenance of templates much easier.
- Add Missing Custom Fields to Boards from Card Templates
Moreover, when applying/creating a card template with custom fields that are not present on a specific board, the system will give you a unified option to either add the missing fields or proceed without doing that. If a user has no permission to manage custom fields, the notification will prompt them to contact a workspace manager or an account owner.
- Add/Remove Multiple Stickers in Business Rules
So far in the system, you could only use a single value for the update action of adding stickers in a single business rule. We’ve improved this behavior to allow you to add or remove multiple sticker-related values within the same business rule.
- Invoke Web Service Improvements
Our newest update also comes with a few improvements in the “Invoke Web Service” action in the business rules:
- First, we’re introducing a new authentication method - “API KEY”.
- Second, in the “Parameters” area, we’ve added the following properties: “Board ID”, “Stickers”, and “Last Comment”.
- Unblock & Move Option
To facilitate your work process, whenever you move a blocked card on a board, the system will now automatically ask you whether to “Unblock and Move” the given card.
- Easily Apply/Remove Card Stickers
In Kanbanize 8.11, you will notice that you can apply stickers directly from a card’s context menu. Furthermore, you can now simultaneously add or remove stickers across multiple cards.
- Move Multiple Child Card Links Between Initiatives
We’re also bringing you the ability to select different linked child cards from initiatives and move them to another initiative in a batch. To do this, hold the “Shift” key, select the linked child cards you want to move, and transfer them to the initiative of your choice.
- Attachments From Email Integration Are Visible in Card’s Comments
Lastly, from now on, in case an attachment is added to a card via the email integration, you will be able to see it in the card’s comments too.
Happy Kanbanizing with Kanbanize 8.11!