To get started on the topic, please refer to our guides on boards and workspaces in Businessmap.
1. What Does "Global View" Mean?
When you are invited to a Businessmap account as a regular user or a Workspace manager, by default, you will only see workspaces and boards to which you are assigned.
Only Account Owners can see all workspaces and boards in the account, but they need to enable that global view. Otherwise, they will only see the boards and workspaces they are assigned to.
2. How to Activate Your Global View?
Access your “My Account” menu by clicking on your avatar in the upper right corner of the Businessmap interface.
Go to the Settings tab and checkmark the “Show all Workspaces and Boards” option. This checkbox controls which workspace and boards you see throughout the application.
Important: The Settings tab is visible only to the Account Owners.
- We recommend using this option for administration purposes only and avoid using it in your everyday work in the system.
- Account Owners will not be able to save board or notification settings for the boards they are not assigned to. To be able to make board changes and re-configurations, they first have to assign themselves to the board from the Administration Panel.