In this article:
1. The "All activities" Panel Overview
2. How to Filter Your Data?
3. How to Export Your Activities Report?
1. The "All activities" Panel Overview
The "All Activities" panel stores the complete history of different activities and events in your account, logged in chronological order. To open the All Activities panel, click the Notifications icon in the upper right corner of your account interface and select See all.
The dedicated panel displays account events in a table format and provides the following information: Card ID, Workspace, Board, Title, Notification, Details, Author, Date, Event, Owner, and Action.
Click on any of the column headers to sort the results in alphabetical order or numerically in descending/ascending order.
2. How to Filter Your Data?
From the panel, you can filter your account data and select a time frame for reporting. Moreover, you can search for activities of a specific type/selected board and author.
Use the filter options at the top of the panel to narrow down your search:
(1) Date from - Date to: You can choose a specific date or set a date range. Select the dates from the calendar picker to refine the timespan of your search.
(2) Author: Use the field to select All or perform a search for a specific Author.
Note that the author is a user who has created tasks, while the owner is the one responsible for the task execution. Open the dropdown list to select the author.
(3) Board name: You can choose All boards or select a certain board and get the activities for the selected board only.
(4) Notification type: Select any of the following options to filter the account activities:
- All
- Transitions
- Updates
- Comments
- Blocks
- Deleted
- Discarded
- Reached limit
- Exceeded limit
(5) Only my subscriptions: With this option, the panel will only display activities you are subscribed to receive notifications for.
Note: When you set up your search criteria, click the Search button to perform the search.
(6) Results per page: You can choose how many results to display per page.
3. How to Export Your Activities Report?
You will find the export button ("Download in Excel") at the bottom of the All Activities panel. You can download all your data to a spreadsheet in Excel (xlsx) or (xls) file formats. Choose to export the results from the current page or all pages from the “Current page” dropdown.
Recommended reading:
- The Audit log panel available in Account Administration provides valuable insight into your system environment.
- The Card History tab is another way to get more information about events related to a specific card in your workflow.