Over the years, we've continuously improved our Analytics module to meet the evolving needs of our users. One of the fundamental principles behind the original design was the assumption that work items, or cards, would move through a one-way flow from left to right. However, as we gathered feedback from various use cases, it became clear that this linear approach no longer fully supported the freedom our customers needed to manage their processes.
Users expressed the desire to move cards back and forth freely across workflows and boards without restrictions to better reflect their real-world processes. This newfound flexibility, however, created challenges in providing accurate and reliable time metrics. To address this, we introduced a new version of the Analytics module that offers more robust and precise time metrics, ensuring consistency and transparency across all workflows.
What’s New in Version 11.0?
In Version 11.0, we introduced an updated Analytics module that affects the following charts:
- Analytics Dashboard
- Cycle Time Scatter Plot
- Cycle Time Histogram
- Cycle Time Heat Map
- Throughput Histogram
- Throughput Run Chart
- Aging WIP Chart
- WIP Run Chart
- Cumulative Flow Diagram
- Flow Efficiency Chart
- Monte Carlo (When and How Many)
By default, the dashboard now loads the new version, though users can still toggle between the new and old versions via a switch at the top of the dashboard:
Why We Developed the New Version?
1. Cycle Time in Advanced Search vs. Analytics Charts
A recurring issue in the old Analytics module was the discrepancy between cycle times calculated in Advanced Search and those shown in the Analytics charts. This was due to the different methods each feature used for calculation:
- Old Analytics Module: Cycle time was calculated based on the card's entry and exit dates in the workflow stages.
- Advanced Search: Cycle time was based on the time spent in each custom column. If a column was deleted, the time spent there was excluded, which reduced the overall cycle time.
- The new version harmonizes these methods, ensuring that time metrics align regardless of where they are viewed. As an exception, cycle time accumulated in workflows, not part of the search filter will not be included in the charts.
2. Handling Discarded and Restored Cards
In the old version, discarded and then restored cards could result in missing data from charts for certain periods. The system adjusted the events to avoid artificially inflating the card's cycle time, which sometimes caused confusion. In the new version, we account for the discarded period more accurately, ensuring the cycle time isn’t artificially inflated but still reflects the complete history of the card’s movement.
3. Moving Cards Between Boards and Workflows
Previously, moving a card between boards could result in discrepancies across various charts. For example, the Cycle Time Scatter Plot showed the total time across all boards, while the Cumulative Flow Diagram excluded time spent on other boards. The new version resolves this by only calculating the time spent within the selected workflow stages, providing a clearer and more accurate representation of cycle time.
4. Deselected Columns from Workflow Stages Filter
In the old version, deselecting columns from the Workflow Stages menu caused data to be transferred to the previous column, which distorted the accuracy of the WIP Run chart. To view accurate data, all workflow stages needed to be selected. In the new version, deselecting any middle stage will result in totally removing the time spent in it from the current chart.
By implementing these improvements, we aim to provide users with enhanced clarity and precision when tracking time metrics and analyzing workflows. The new version of the Analytics module aligns more closely with the realities of flexible process management while ensuring consistency across all data visualizations.
We believe these updates will greatly enhance your ability to monitor, adjust, and optimize your workflows with greater accuracy and confidence.
Main Changes in the New Analytics Module
1. Dashboard
- “Ignore Cycle Time Configuration” has been replaced by the new “Show full workflow structure” checkbox, found in the dashboard controls menu.
- The “Ignore Block Time in Queue Columns” option has been removed.
- Workflow Stages are now referred to as Cycle Time Columns. A new “Show full workflow structure” option lets you include all workflow sections, ignoring the previous cycle time configuration.
- Arrival Rate is now calculated based on all started items (cards entering the "In Progress" section), regardless of the selected workflow stages.
- Throughput is calculated using all completed cards, again independent of the selected workflow stages.
- WIP Age is calculated for all work-in-progress (WIP) cards, showing their cycle time according to the selected workflow stages.
2. Cycle Time Scatter Plot
- The “Ignore Cycle Time Configuration” checkbox is now “Show full workflow structure”, available in the controls menu.
- The “Ignore Block Time in Queue Columns” option has been updated to “Exclude Block Time in Queue Columns”, found in the Cycle Time Filter section in the controls menu.
- Workflow Stages are now referred to as Cycle Time Columns. By default, only columns included in the cycle time configuration are selected, but you can include non-cycle time queue columns by enabling “Show full workflow structure”.
- In the new version, data points (dots) no longer shift along the X-axis when adding or removing columns from the Cycle Time Columns.
- As you can select columns from “Done” section in the Cycle Time configuration, cards in these “Done” columns will continue to accumulate cycle time.
3. Cycle Time Heatmap
- “Ignore Cycle Time Configuration” is replaced by the “Show full workflow structure” option in the chart controls menu.
- The “Ignore Block Time in Queue Columns” option is replaced with “Exclude Block Time in Queue Columns” in the Cycle Time Filter dropdown.
- By default, only workflow columns included in the cycle time configuration are selected. To include non-cycle time queue columns, enable “Show full workflow structure”.
- A key difference is that adding or removing columns does not change the number of cards in the heatmap, unlike in the old version. Deselecting any middle stage will result in totally removing the time spent in it from the current chart.
4. Throughput Histogram
- The “Ignore Cycle Time Configuration” and “Ignore Block Time in Queue Columns” options have been removed.
- Since cards are marked as completed when they enter a Done or Ready to Archive column, the Workflow Stages control has also been removed.
- In the new version, cards from Done and Ready to Archive columns are automatically displayed, whereas previously, users could choose to exclude them.
5. Aging WIP Chart
- The “Ignore Cycle Time Configuration” checkbox is replaced by “Show full workflow structure” in the controls menu.
- “Ignore Block Time in Queue Columns” has been replaced by “Exclude Block Time in Queue Columns” in the Cycle Time Filter section.
- Workflow Stages are now called WIP Columns. By default, only the columns included in the cycle time configuration are selected. You can include queue columns by selecting “Show full workflow structure”.
- In the old version, when a card was returned and moved through multiple columns, all its entries in a column were visualized as a single bar. This made it difficult to track the specific journey a card took through each column in your workflow. With the latest update, you can now see the exact path a card has taken through the selected columns. The Y-axis now shows only the time spent in the selected WIP Columns. Unlike in the old version, the time spent in other workflows is no longer included.
6. WIP Run Chart
- “Ignore Cycle Time Configuration” has been replaced with “Show full workflow structure” in the controls menu.
- The “Ignore Block Time in Queue Columns” checkbox has been removed.
- Workflow Stages is now referred to as WIP Columns. By default, only columns in the cycle time configuration are selected. To include queue columns, enable “Show full workflow structure”.
- You can now remove columns from the Workflow Stages (now WIP Columns), which affects the number of data points in the chart. WIP includes all cards that were in any of the selected columns during the chosen time period.
7. Cumulative Flow Diagram (CFD)
- In the new version, the last selected column is considered the Done column, removing the need for an “artificial” Done column. This adjustment does not alter the Done date of the cards.
- A new option for Arrival Date for Returned Cards appears when cards have been moved backward in the workflow. The setting reflects how returned cards are handled in summary statistics.
- Negative WIP numbers or overlapping diagram bands may appear if many cards are moved back and forth within the workflow.
- By default, only columns included in the cycle time configuration are selected, but you can include queue columns by enabling “Show full workflow structure”.
8. Flow Efficiency Chart
- “Ignore Cycle Time Configuration” has been replaced by “Show full workflow structure” in the controls menu.
- Queueing Stages control has been removed, and the system automatically detects queue stages in multiple workflows to calculate efficiency accurately.
- Flow Efficiency calculations now align with the Workflow Performance Summary widget, using formulas depending on the selected inputs:
- With Block Time and Queue Columns: Flow Efficiency [%] = [(Cycle Time in activity columns - Blocked Time in activity columns) / (Cycle Time in all columns)] * 100
- Without Block Time: Flow Efficiency [%] = [Cycle Time in activity columns / Cycle Time in all columns] * 100
- Without Queue Columns: Flow Efficiency [%] = [(Cycle Time in all columns - Blocked Time in all columns) / (Cycle Time in all columns)] * 100
9. Monte Carlo (When and How Many)
- The Workflow Stages control has been removed. The new version considers all finished cards and applies the Monte Carlo simulation accordingly.
10. Saved Views
- All saved views from the old version with “Ignore Cycle Time” and “Exclude Block Time in Queue Columns” will automatically transfer to the new sidebar options, “Show full workflow structure” and “Exclude Block Time in Queue Columns”.
- Saved views in the new version, with “Show full workflow structure” and “Exclude Block Time in Queue Columns”, will not be backward compatible with the old version.