Canceling Your Businessmap Account
To cancel your Businessmap subscription, you need to either be an Account Owner or have the “Make Payments” privilege.
TIP: We recommend you export your account data before the account cancellation. Use the Advanced search tool in Businessmap and export the data in Excel spreadsheets.
To cancel your subscription, you have to log in to your account and go to the “Payment Plan.”
The panel displays your current subscription details, as follows:
- Current Subscription plan
- Due Date
- Number of Licensed seats
To proceed with the Account cancellation, select the "Cancel Account" button.
We would appreciate it if you could answer the question: “What made you cancel?” and provide us with your feedback about Businessmap. When ready, click the Cancel Account button to confirm your cancellation.
Important Cancellation Information
Canceling an Annual subscription plan
Annual subscriptions are prepaid for a year ahead and they are not automatically renewed.
If you cancel your subscription 4 months before the due date, your account will still be active and users will be able to use it fully functional until the expiration date.
Canceling a Monthly (pay-to pay) subscription plan
The monthly recurring subscription is automatically renewed on the account's due date. If you cancel your subscription 10 days before the due date, your account will be still active and users will be able to access it until the end of the prepaid month.
Canceling a Monthly (annual commitment / 10% discount) plan
If you have committed to this plan and decide to cancel your subscription before the due date, your account will remain active and the users will be able to use it fully functional until the expiration date.
There is a penalty for the cancellation of the monthly annual commitment subscription equal to one month of the committed subscription amount.
Data protection & recovery and account re-activation
In case you want to immediately close your account (irrespective of the subscription plan) and purge your data right away, please contact our support team at
In general, your account will be locked for 3 months after the expiration date. During those 3 months, Account Owners can re-activate their accounts and renew the subscription. All they need to do is access their account and use the Payment panel.
The account setup will be preserved as it was prior to the cancellation.
When the 3 months period expires, your account will be permanently removed from all data centers and backup systems. At that point in time, the account cannot be recovered anymore.