1. Introduction to the Blocker Dynamics Chart
2. Additional controls for this chart
You can find more information about the Analytics module in the dedicated article.
1. Introduction to the Blocker Dynamics Chart
The Blocker Dynamics Chart helps you analyze the number of times different blockers have been used and resolved. It is a visual representation of the creation and resolution of blocks over selected periods of time. Using the Active Items Trend Line you can also look at how many active blocks were left at the end of each period and if there are blocks that span multiple days, so you can spot bottlenecks in your process.
- The "x" axis represents the timeline
- The "y" axis is the number of blocker events
- There are two bars for each period on the timeline: Bar N(shows the number of new blocks) and Bar R(shows the number of resolved blocks)
If you click on any of the bars, the system provides a list of all cards that have received the according blocker.
Hover on any Card ID to open the respective "Work Item Details" box. It contains specific information relevant to the card. And if you click on the ID in the second box it will take you to the card in question so you can investigate further.
2. Additional controls for this chart
You can use the controls to add some additional properties to the Blocker Dynamics Chart chart as well as to apply additional filters.
- Summary Statistics* - You can access the summary statistics at the top of the Controls for this chart. The summary statistics are calculated based on the selected percentile and time unit.
- Show Bars Legend - choose to display the legend for the two bars - N(number of blocks) and R(number of resolved blocks).
- Calculate Block Time by (for summary data) - You can toggle between showing the Total time spent blocked or displaying the Average time spent blocked. In addition, you can use the 50, 70, 85, and 95 percentile options for further aggregation. This is applicable to the summary statistics window.
- Active Items Trend - toggle the trend line showing the active blocks that were left at the end of each period.
- Time Units - choose the time unit used on the x-axis - Calendar day, week (Sun-Sat), Week(Mon-Sun), Month, Quarter, Year. This is also applicable to the summary statistics window.
- Layout - toggle the “Show Date Control” mini-graph which can be used to zoom in and slide through the chart, if you have too much data on it.
- Item Filter - filter work items based on a specific property (e.g. type, owner, etc).
- Blockers - choose which blockers you want to focus on and display on the graph from the dropdown.
*You can use the Summary Statistics Button to see general statistics about your data.
For more information on Card Blockers, check the dedicated article.