In this article:
1. Who Can Add Attachments (global account permission for attachments)
2. How to Manage Attachments in the System?
2.1. How to Add Attachments
2.2. How to Add/Update Image Covers
3. How to Download and Preview the Attached Files?
4. How to Delete Attachments?
5. What Are the Allowed File Formats and Sizes?
5.1. Attachment Limitations
6. How to Make Attachments Visible in the Closed Card View?
In Businessmap, you can add attachments both to cards and initiatives. You can also use the attached files as image covers for the respective card or initiative. Here is how you can effectively manage attachments within the product.
1. Who Can Add Attachments (global account permission for attachments)
There is a global security control related to attachments. If enabled, you can attach files to cards and initiatives from your PC or cloud storage.
Only Account Owners can enable/disable the Attachments Security option from the account Security Controls in the Administration. The respective Security Control name is Card attachments. If disabled, users will not be able to attach any files to cards and initiatives.
Note: If you want to limit the ability of certain users to add or delete attachments, you can assign them a role where the Card attachments actions are disabled.
2. How to Manage Attachments in the System?
To access the Attachments menu of a card or initiative, simply click to open it. You will see the menu on the right side, under the Custom fields section.
2.1. How to Add Attachments
Use the plus icon (+) to upload a file from your computer, Dropbox, Box, Google Drive*, or OneDrive**. You can attach multiple items. Alternatively, you can use the drag-and-drop method to upload files.
* To attach files to cards in Businessmap from Google Drive, you need to grant access to Businessmap. The first time you click to upload a file from Google Drive, you will see a pop-up from Google asking you to allow Businessmap to access your account. Your choice will be saved in the system and you will be able to attach files to cards without seeing the pop-up each time.
** To attach files to cards in Businessmap from OneDrive, you need to enable a separate setting in your Microsoft account. The first time you upload a file from OneDrive, Microsoft will display a pop-up asking you to grant permission to Businessmap. Once you grant permission, you will not see this pop-up again, and you will be able to attach files from OneDrive to cards.
Note: After attaching a file to a card, make sure to update the card to save the changes.
2.2. How to Add/Update Image Covers
Once you have uploaded a file in a JPEG, JPG, or PNG format, you can make that file a cover of the card/initiative. Click the three-dot menu next to the attachment and select Make cover. The image will be visualized under the title in the open card view. You can also choose to display it in the closed view (check pt. 6).
There can be only one image per card/initiative. Use the three-dot menu to remove the current image or to make another image the new cover. To learn more about covers, please read the dedicated guide on image covers in Businessmap.
3. How to Download and Preview the Attached Files?
When you attach files, they appear in the Attachments menu.
Download: You can download attachments from a card/initiative with a single click from the three-dot menu next to the respective file. To download all attachments at once (in a zip file), click the Download icon at the top of the Attachments menu.
Preview: The preview option lets you see the attachments without having to download them first. This saves you time and effort, and makes it easier to familiarize yourself with the card details. To preview a file, select the Preview option from the three-dot menu next to it. Keep in mind that the preview option does not support all file formats.
4. How to Delete Attachments?
To delete an attachment, click the three-dot icon next to it, and select Delete from the list of options. Once you update the card, the file will be permanently deleted from the card and the system. Important: attachments cannot be restored from the Revisions menu.
5. What Are the Allowed File Formats and Sizes?
The allowed file formats are:
'bmp','jpg','jpeg','gif','png','txt','rtf','doc','docx','dotx','xls','xlsx','ppt','pptx','odt','ott','sxw','stw','ods','ots','sxc','stc','odp','otp','sxi','sti','uop','uof','pdf','rar','zip','7z','xml','csv','log','eml', 'dwg', 'mp4', 'ogg', 'dxf', 'stl', 'gz', 'tgz', '7z', 'aspx','psd','m4a','avi','psd','ai','id','xd'.
If you need a particular file format to be permitted, please contact our support team at
5.1. Attachment Limitations
- The allowed maximum size per single file is 30MB.
- When attaching multiple files to a single card, their cumulative size must not exceed 50MB.
- For images, the maximum size is 5000px x 4000px.
6. How to Make Attachments Visible in the Closed Card View?
You can customize how attachments are displayed in the closed card view, with separate settings available for cards and initiatives. To adjust these view settings, click the Configure views icon located in the Board Sidebar to the right of your board interface.
This will open the closed view settings panel. To configure attachments in cards workflows, use the Card view tab; for initiatives workflows, switch to the Initiative view tab. From there, locate the Attachments settings (use the filter to quickly search for it).
You have the same options for cards and initiatives:
- Icon — attachments will be displayed as an icon with the number of attached files next to it.
- Row — each attachment will be displayed in a separate row.
- Off — attachments will be hidden in the closed view.