In this article:
1. Introduction to the View Settings in Businessmap
1.1. Overview
1.2. Available Views
1.3. Default View Settings
2. Configuration Elements
3. FAQ
The card and initiative view settings in Businessmap help you customize your board so all essential information is readily visible. By handpicking the card details to display in the closed card/initiative view, you can easily review your work and monitor your progress at a glance. Here is how to use the Configure views panel.
1. Introduction to the View Settings in Businessmap
1.1. Overview
To access your view settings, navigate to the board sidebar and select the Configure views icon.
This will open the configuration menu where you can customize both your initiatives and cards’ closed view for the current board. The panel contains two separate configuration menus — one for cards (1) and one for initiatives (2).
Use the filter in the upper left corner of the configuration panel to quickly find the settings you need.
1.2. Available Views
At the top of the configuration panel, you will see there are four available views (see image above) — View 1 (large), View 2 (normal), View 3 (compact), and View 4 (bird eye). The default view for new boards is View 1.
Views 1 and 2 let you visualize all available card details, while Views 3 and 4 are more compact and have certain limitations (check pt. 2) to the elements you can configure to display in the closed view.
Aside from the Configure Views panel, you can also switch between views from the icons at the bottom of the sidebar. Double-clicking on either of the zoom icons will open the view settings of that specific zoom level.
1.3. Default View Settings
Workspace Managers can configure and update the default view for a board by enabling the Save settings as default for the view option located at the bottom of the Configure Views panel.
This means that:
- The new default view will override the system default view for the board. Currently, there is no way to revert the system default view for a board.
- Users who have already been added to the board and have modified their view settings will not be affected.
- Users who have already been added to the board and have not modified their view settings will receive the new default view set by the Workspace Manager.
- The new default view will apply to every new user added to the board.
In addition, every user can revert their settings to the default view configured for the board (by the Workspace Manager) by clicking on the Restore view settings to default button.
2. Configuration Elements
Below are the card details you can show or hide in your view configuration. Note that some elements apply only to the Card view or the Initiative view.
- Card size (applicable to Card view only) — select the size you want your cards to be. You can choose between tiny, small, normal, big, and auto.
Width (applicable to Initiative view only) — define how wide you want your initiatives to appear. The available options are:
- Small — the width corresponds to the Normal size for cards.
- Normal — the width corresponds to twice the Normal size for cards.
- Auto — the initiative is as wide as the width of the column it is in.
- Height** (applicable to Initiative view only) — choose how high you want your initiatives to be. The height will determine what details will be visible in the closed view. For Low and Very low, you can only configure the visualization of Links (Group by, Group order, Order by, and Order direction).
- Attachments — select how to display attachments (icon, row), or choose to hide them.
- Co-owners — choose whether you want to show a card or initiative’s co-owners.
- Color entire card surface — decide whether to colorize the entire card/initiative with the selected color or turn it off.
- Comments — select to show comments or hide them in the closed view.
- Cover image — choose whether to show the cover image in the closed card/initiative view.
Custom fields — choose if and how to display custom fields. The 4 standard fields (Reporter, Created at, Last modified, and Last moved) are also included in these settings.
- You can choose to include all standard and custom fields (Include → All), or handpick the fields (added to the board) that you want to see in the closed card view (Include → Custom).
- The additional Filled fields only option lets you visualize only the custom fields that have values. For example, if you have enabled this setting and have chosen to display custom fields as an icon, you will see the icon and the number of custom fields that have been filled out for the card/initiative.
- Cycle time — select if and how to display the total cycle time.
- Deadline — select if and how to display the deadline of the card/initiative.
- Exit criteria — choose if and how to show the exit criteria. With the Row (unchecked only) option, you can only display the exit criteria that are yet to be checkmarked.
- ID — choose if and how to display the card/initiative’s ID.
Links — select if and how to display the card links in the closed view. There are additional configuration options:
- Link types — select which link types to include in the results
- Sections — show linked cards located only in the selected sections
- Group by — choose how to group your card links in the visualization.
- Group order — If you decide to group links by Link Type, you can customize the order in which they are displayed. Just drag and drop the options to the desired sequence. The default order is parents, children, relatives, predecessors, and successors.
- Order by — choose how to sort the links. If the Group by option is also enabled, the system will prioritize the grouping setting and then it will sort links within each group separately.
- Order direction — sort linked cards in an ascending (numeric values first, alphabetic values second) or descending (alphabetic values first, numeric values second) order.
- Let’s look at an example. Let’s say your source card has two linked cards, one of which has a Custom ID: A1, and the other has a Card ID: 123. If you have chosen to group links by Custom ID if present, Card ID if not, the A1 card will be displayed first if you select Descending, and second if you select Ascending order.
- Local cycle time — select if and how to display the local cycle time.
Logged time — select if and how to display the logged time for the card/initiative. You have two additional options:
- Include the logged time for subtasks
- Include the logged time for the source card’s children.
- Outcomes (applicable to Initiative view only) — choose if and how to display the progress of your outcomes.
- Owner — choose if and how to display the owner of the card/initiative.
- Planned dates (applicable to Initiative view only) — choose if and how to display the planned start and end dates of initiatives. By default, this setting is off. If you opt to display them as an icon or on a separate row, you can specify whether to show only the planned start date, only the planned end date, or both.
- Priority — choose if and how to display the priority of the card/initiative.
- Size — choose if and how to display the size of the card/initiative.
- Stickers — choose if and how to visualize stickers applied to the card/initiative.
- Subtasks — choose if and how to display the subtasks of the card/initiative. You can select to show only unfinished subtasks.
- Tags — choose if and how to display the tags of the card/initiative.
Title** — select how to display the title of your cards and initiatives. You can choose between:
- 1 line (applicable to Initiative view only) — show the first line of the title only.
- 2 lines — show the first two lines.
- 4 lines — show the first four lines.
- Full — show the full length of the title.
- Type — choose if and how to display the type of the card/initiative.
** For initiatives, there is a correlation between your height and title settings. They are explained in the table below:
Height | Title | View |
Very low | Disabled | The title will not be displayed. |
Low | 1 line | Only the first line is displayed. |
Low | 2 lines | The first two lines are displayed. |
Low | Full | The full title is displayed, regardless of its length. |
Medium | 1 line | Only the first line is displayed. |
Medium | 2 lines | The first two lines of the title are displayed, below the icons. |
Medium | Full | The full title is displayed, regardless of its length. |
High | 1 line | Only the first line is displayed. |
High | 2 lines | The first two lines of the title are displayed, below the icons. |
High | Full | The full title is displayed, regardless of its length. |
- Some selected card details may not be visible for timeline initiatives if their duration is too short or your timeband view is configured to a larger time unit (e.g. quarters).
- Initiative width only applies to portfolio initiatives.
- If a user does not have certain permissions to view card elements, there will be a notification message. For example, if comments are enabled in the closed card view and you do not have permission to see card comments, you will see the message “You don't have permissions to see comments” when you hover over the comments icon.
3. Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Can I apply the new default view to all users on the board?
A: While Workspace Managers can change the default view for a board, if users have already modified their view settings, the new default won't automatically apply to them. To get the latest configured default view, users have to click the “Restore view settings to default” button in the Configure views panel.
Q: Can I automatically apply the same view settings to all boards?
A: No. View settings are configured per board.