1. How to Access the Card Context Menu?
The card Context menu provides quick access to many functionalities and facilitates everyday work with cards, initiatives, and boards. In Businessmap, every card and initiative has a context menu that is available in the upper right corner of the work item in the closed view. The menu can also be accessed by right-clicking on the card.
2. Overview of the Card Context Menu Capabilities
Here is a list of all actions you can perform from the Context menu, starting from the icons in the upper row:
- Type — quickly set up or change the type of single or multiple cards. Click the icon to open a box with all types assigned to the board. To learn more, check the dedicated article on card types.
- Owner — use this shortcut to quickly assign work items without opening them.
- Co-Owners — use this shortcut to quickly set the co-owners of a work item.
- Deadline — set up a deadline for the task from the calendar picker.
- Tags — input a tag value. You can select more than one. Learn more about tags in Businessmap here.
- Size — input card size value. Learn more about card size here.
- Color — use this option to change the cards' color. Note: If you have applied a type to a card and its color is set to override the card's original color, the color setting will be inactive. It will show this message: "This card's color is defined by the type color and cannot be changed manually."
- Priority — select/change card priority.
- Custom fields — set/update/remove custom fields. You can learn more about managing custom fields in our guide.
Under these icons, you will see the remaining options:
- Filter links hierarchy — Use it to instantly filter out the current board and display all cards and initiatives linked to the respective card/initiative. This helps users gain insight into the item's relationships (parent/child) on the board. The feature filters all the child, parent, and grandparent cards in the existing hierarchy, from grandparent cards at the highest level to child cards at the lowest level in the hierarchy. Note that the "filter links hierarchy" option works independently from the board filter, so you cannot apply a board filter when using this functionality.
- Show links hierarchy* — Use it to open the detailed links hierarchy view. You can learn more about the hierarchy visualization of cards here.
- Show initiative status** — similar to the Initiatives and Outcomes Management Dashboard, the initiative status lets you see the overall progress of your initiatives' objectives (left chart) as well as aggregated data for your outcomes broken down by status (right chart).
* Available on cards only.
** Available on initiatives only.
- Link to existing — Use this option to create a link (parent/child/relative/successor/predecessor relation) between the current card and another existing card.
- New linked card — Use this option to create a new linked card (parent/child/relative/successor/predecessor) to the current one (from which the action was initiated).
- Comments — This is a shortcut to the Comments tab of the card, where users can review/edit/create a task-related comment or mention another user in Businessmap.
- Subtasks — this is a shortcut to the Subtasks tab of the card, where users can create/edit/delete subtasks or checkmark finished ones. Learn more about how to work with subtasks here.
- Block — block a card and make it immobile unless it is unblocked.
- Clone — Use this option to quickly create a copy of an existing card. If more than one card is selected, the system will open the board minimap so you can specify where the cloned cards should be created.
- Discard — allows you to discard this card from the board. Learn more about discarding cards here.
Done — select it to directly move the card into a column from the 'Done' area of your workflow.
- TIP: If a card is already located in a 'Done' column, you can archive it through the Context menu. Select the Archive button and the card will be moved to the system's permanent archive.
- Log time — users can log time at a card or subtask level. Learn more about the time logging feature here.
- Move — move the card horizontally between columns (left, right), as well as vertically in the column itself (top, bottom/ up, down). The “Move to” option allows you to move cards across boards and projects.
- Reminder — allows you to set up a reminder and follow up on the card within 5, 15, or 30 minutes or 1, 2, or 4 hours/ or at a selected date from the calendar. Upon deadline expiration, a reminder pops up on your screen, and the system sends you an email notification. Check out the following video to see how this works:
- Stickers — use this option to quickly apply a sticker on the card.
- Watch — Watching cards allows users to receive notifications for any changes that have been made on a certain card, even if you are not subscribed to get notifications from the board where the card is located. From the card Context menu, you can only assign yourself as a card watcher. If you want to assign a different user, please use the Watcher property in Card Fields.
- Copy ID — use it to copy the unique card ID for reference. Just click on the button and then use the keyboard shortcut (Ctrl+V) to paste it.
- Copy link — use it to copy the unique card URL for reference. Just click on the button and then use the keyboard shortcut (Ctrl+V) to paste it.