In this article:
1. How to refine your search query/report?
2. What purpose do the different options in the 'Refine Search Criteria' menu serve?
3. Configure results menu
1. How to refine your search query/report?
You can configure your search criteria by selecting the "Refine search criteria" option, which will open up a window with the different options you can use to narrow down your search.
For a walkthrough on how to use the advanced search, please see the short video below:
2. What purpose do the different options in the 'Refine Search Criteria' menu serve?
Owner - search for cards assigned to a specific user. Note: if a location filter (workspace/board) is also selected, the owner dropdown would only visualize members of the board. If no board is selected, all users in the instance will be available for selection.
Co-Owners - search for cards that contain a specific user that is added to the Co-Owners property.
Actual end date - filter initiatives based on their actual end date.
Actual start date - filter initiatives based on their actual start date.
Attachments - search through cards based on if there are/aren’t any files attached to the card
Block count - search for cards based on the number of times the card has been blocked. Available operators are is/is not equal to, greater than/less than.
Block reason - search through cards based on if the reason for blocking the card is/is not the one you enter in the field.
Block time - search through cards based on the amount of time the card has been blocked.
Blocked - search through cards based on if the card is currently blocked or not.
Blocker - search through cards based on a specific blocker (that is/is not currently applied to the card).
Board - look for cards that are located on a specific board - selection of multiple boards is also possible.
Card ID - search for a specific card by its ID - different operators are available. Note: the Card ID filter combines Custom Card ID & Internal Card ID.
Child cards - search for cards whose child cards match a set criteria. Different operators, such as all match/some match/some do not match/none match/any match or none are present, are available. This option would enable. additional filters that can be applied in the subquery parameters window.
Child cards progress - search through cards based on their child cards' progress in percentages. This can be useful whenever you would like to filter for initiatives that have less than 100% completion.
Color - look for cards that have a specific color.
Column - search for cards located in a specific column on a given board - this filter would open up a minimap of the chosen board (if any) so the exact column/sub-column can be selected.
Comments - search through cards that have or don't have comments or filter by a specific keyword in the comment itself.
Created at - search through cards based on their creation date (different options such as today, yesterday, last week, this month, or more specific ones are available).
Cumulative size - search through cards based on their cumulative size, i.e. the sum of all sizes of the child cards that belong to a specific card or an initiative. You can read more about cumulative size and how it is calculated in the dedicated article.
Custom Card ID - search through cards that have a specific custom card ID. Custom Card ID refers to the Custom ID of a card (where applicable), as opposed to the Internal Card ID.
Cycle time - search through cards based on their cycle time - operators, such as equal to/not equal to or greater/less than the number of days indicated, are available.
Deadline - search through cards based on their deadline and whether it is set for today/yesterday/tomorrow or this/last/next week or this/last/next month, or overdue.
Description - search through cards based on if the description of the card contains/does not contain a particular keyword.
End Date* - search for cards that were completed (moved to the 'Done' or 'Ready to Archive' areas) in a time period. Different operators such as is/is not/before/after/is between or not finished/today/yesterday/this week/last week/this month/last month are available.
You can also use the End Date filter to search the subtasks of the cards that were completed for a given time period. To do that, choose the ‘Include subtasks’ box from the Options dropdown menu. To see which result is a subtask, card, or initiative, you can configure your search results to include ‘Work item'. Check the example below:
Note: With the Not Finished operator, the search results will only include cards and subtasks that are unfinished.
External Link - search for cards based on if the external link of the card is/isn’t/contains/doesn’t contain a particular value.
Finished subtasks count - search through cards based on if the number of finished subtasks of the cards you are searching for is equal to/not equal to/greater than/less than a value you enter.
First blocked date - search through cards based on if the first time the card was blocked is/is not/before/after/is between not finished/today/yesterday/this week/last week/this month/last month
First date moved to - search through cards based on if the first time the cards were moved to a specific place that is/is not/before/after/is between the following time: not finished/today/yesterday/this week/last week/this month/last month
First end date* - filter cards based on the first time they were moved to “Done” or “Ready to archive” from the “Backlog,” “Requested,” or “In Progress” columns. This value is generated by the system and cannot be edited manually. Note that this is a datetime field.
First request date - filter cards based on the first time they were moved from “Backlog” to “Requested,” “In Progress,” “Done,” or “Ready to archive.”
First start date* - filter cards based on the first time they were moved from “Backlog” or “Requested” to “In Progress,” “Done,” or “Ready to archive.” Note that this is a datetime field and its value cannot be edited manually.
Internal Card ID - search through cards based on if the cards have an ID that is (not)equal to or greater/less than what you enter. This filter refers to the default (non-custom) card ID only.
Lane - search for cards located in a specific lane on a given board. The board minimap will be presented to the user so the board/lane can be selected.
Last blocked date - search through cards based on if the last time a card was blocked is/is not/before/after/is between a selected timeframe or today/yesterday/this week/last week/this month/last month.
Last comment - search through the cards based on the contents of their last added comment. Different operators such as contains/does not contain are available.
Last date moved out of - search through cards based on the last time the card has been moved out of a column. Different operators, such as is/is not/before/after/is between a selected time frame or today/yesterday/this week/last week/this month/last month, are available.
Last date moved to - search through cards based on the last time the card has been moved to a column. Different operators, such as is/is not/before/after/is between a selected time frame or today/yesterday/this week/last week/this month/last month, are available.
Last end date* - filter cards based on the last time they were moved to “Done” or “Ready to archive” from the “Backlog,” “Requested,” or “In Progress” columns. This is a datetime field whose value cannot be edited manually.
Last modified - search through cards based on the last time the card was modified. Different operators, such as is/is not/before/after/is between a selected time frame or today/yesterday/this week/last week/this month/last month, are available.
Last moved - search through cards based on the last time the card was moved. Different operators, such as is/is not/before/after/is between a selected time frame or today/yesterday/this week/last week/this month/last month, are available.
Last request date - filter cards based on the last time they were moved from “Backlog” to “Requested,” “In Progress,” “Done,” or “Ready to archive.”
Last start date* - filter cards based on the last time they were moved from the “Backlog” or “Requested” to the “In Progress,” “Done,” or “Ready to archive” columns. Note that this is a datetime field and its value cannot be edited manually.
Links - search through cards based on if the cards’ links to other cards are/are not present.
Local cycle time - search through cards based on the time they spent in the current column since they were last moved there. Note: If the card was moved several times to that column, the system will only count the time since the card was last moved there.
Logged time - search for cards based on the time logged on them is/is not equal to a specific value.
Milestones - search through cards that do or do not contain certain milestones. If you have selected a location filter (workspace/board), the milestones dropdown will only visualize milestones that are available for the selected board. If no board is selected, all enabled milestones will be available for selection. You can update milestones directly from the results table. Just click on the milestones field next to the card/initiative you want, or select multiple cards to update in bulk. You can learn more about milestones here.
Parent Cards - search for cards whose parent cards match a set criteria. Different operators, such as all match/some match/some do not match/none match/any match or none are present, are available. This option would enable additional filters that can be applied in the subquery parameters window.
Planned End - search through Timeline initiatives based on their planned end date. Different operators such as is/is not/before/after/is between a selected timeframe or not finished/today/yesterday/this week/last week/this month/last month, are available. Note that this is only applicable to Timeline initiatives.
Planned Start - search through Timeline initiatives based on their planned start date. Different operators such as is/is not/before/after/is between a selected timeframe or not finished/today/yesterday/this week/last week/this month/last month, are available. Note that this is only applicable to Timeline initiatives.
Position in cell - search through cards based on their position in the cell. Position numbers start from 1 where 1 is the first card in the cell. Different operators, such as is equal to/not equal to/greater than/less than a number, are available.
Priority - search for cards that have/don't have a specific priority (critical/high/average/low), assigned to them.
Relative cards - search for cards whose relative cards match set criteria. Different operators, such as all match/some match/some do not match/none match/any match or none are present, are available. This option would enable. additional filters that can be applied in the subquery parameters window.
Reporter - search through cards based on the reporter (creator) of the cards. The reporter is a system custom field that can be enabled via the Board Custom Fields Management window of the chosen board. Can only be used for internal users that are members of the Businessmap instance.
Section - search through cards located in a specific section (Backlog/Requested/In Progress/Done/Archive) on the board. This is useful whenever you would like to retrieve completed cards from multiple workflows on a given board - in that case, you can use section=Done.
Size - search through cards based on their size. Different operators, such as is equal to/not equal to/greater than/less than a value you enter, are available.
Start date* - search for cards based on the day they entered the 'In Progress' section of a board. Different operators, such as is/is not/before/after/is between and not started/today/yesterday/this week/last week/this month/last month, are available.
- If a card is moved from Backlog/Requested directly to Done/Ready to archive — the following fields will show the same values: First start date, Last start date, First end date, Last end date, Start date, and End date.
- The first start and first end dates will not change regardless of how many times you move a card back and forth on the board since they record the very first date a card was moved to In Progress (for “first start”) and to Done (for “first end”).
- The last start and last end dates, however, will change depending on the cards' movement on the board:
- If you move a card to In Progress, then back to Requested, and again to In Progress — the last start date will be updated. The last start date will change each time you move a card to In Progress from Requested or Backlog.
- If you move a card to Done, then back to In Progress, and again to Done — the last end date will be updated. The last end date will change each time you move a card to Done from Backlog, Requested, or In Progress.
Read more about the first/last request, start, and end dates in Businessmap.
Stickers - search for cards that contain a specific sticker. Note: if a location filter (workspace/board) is also selected, the stickers dropdown would only visualize stickers that are available for the selected board. If no board is selected, all stickers in the instance will be available for selection.
Subtask status - search through cards based on if the status of their subtasks is/is not finished.
Subtasks progress - search for cards based on the progress of their subtasks. Different operators, such as is equal to/not equal to/greater than/less than a value you enter, are available.
Tags - search for cards that contain a specific tag. Note: if a location filter (workspace/board) is also selected, the tags dropdown would only visualize tags that are available for the selected board. If no board is selected, all tags in the instance will be available for selection.
Times moved to - search for cards based on the number of times they have been moved to a column is equal to/not equal to/greater than/less than a value you enter.
Title - search for cards that contain a specific keyword in their title. Different operators, such as is/is not/contains/does not contain a word you enter, are available.
Total subtasks count - search for cards whose total number of subtasks is equal to/not equal to/greater than/less than a value you enter.
Type - search for cards that are assigned with a specific type. Note: if a location filter (workspace/board) is also selected, the types dropdown would only visualize types that are available for the selected board. If no board is selected, all types in the instance will be available for selection.
Unfinished subtask count - search for cards whose unfinished number of subtasks is equal to/not equal to/greater than/less than a value you enter.
Watched - search for cards that are being watched by a specific user. Note: if a location filter (workspace/board) is also selected, the watchers dropdown would only visualize members of the board. If no board is selected, all users in the instance will be available for selection.
Work Item - search for different types of work items - Cards or Initiatives. Note: if you would like to retrieve subtasks only, you can use the 'work item does not equal cards OR initiatives' filter (make sure to enable subtasks via the search options as well).
Workflow - look for cards that are located on a specific workflow - selection of multiple workflows is also possible.
Worklog update date - search through cards based on the date their worklog has been updated. This refers to the amount of time that has been logged on the card. Different operators, such as is/is not/before/after/is between the selected timeframe and today/yesterday/this week/last week/this month/last month.
Workspace - look for cards located on a specific workspace, which essentially means cards located on all boards that are part of the chosen workspace. Selection of multiple workspaces is also possible. Note: you might need to further refine your search criteria.
Important: for most of the configurations that use operators, you can add multiple choices (with the 'or' button) or remove them (with the '-' button) as shown in the image below.
For date-related fields (e.g. created at, start date, end date), the default operator is set to 'is', and it has a few predefined options such as Today, Yesterday, This Week (current week Mon-Sun), Last Week (previous week Mon-Sun), This Month (current month), and Last Month (previous month).
For more specific filtering, the default 'is' operator can be changed to 'is not', 'before', 'after', 'is between' (date range), 'in last' (X days)
This is how the following operators ('before', 'after', 'is between') work for the date-related fields:
Regular Fields
Created at - before(<=), after(>=), between(<= + =>)
Deadline - before(<), after(>=), between(<= + =>)
First blocked date - before(<=), after(>=), between(<= + =>)
Last blocked date - before(<=), after(>=), between(<= + =>)
First date moved to - before(<=), after(>=), between(<= + =>)
Last date moved to - before(<=), after(>=), between(<= + =>)
Last date moved out of - before(<=), after(>=), between(<= + =>)
Last modified - before(<=), after(>=), between(<= + =>)
Planned start - before(<=), after(>=), between(<= + =>)
Planned end - before(<=), after(>=), between(<= + =>)
Start date - before(<=), after(>=), between(<= + =>)
Custom fields
Date - before(<=), after(>=), between(<= + =>)
Datetime - before(<=), after(>=), between(<= + =>)
3. Configure results menu
The difference between the Refine search criteria menu and this one is that the former filters the cards while the latter lets you structure the information you want to show in the search results and/or the report you would be building. You can choose all the parameters you want to be displayed in the table, re-arrange them via drag+drop in the 'Selected Fields' section, and apply your changes.
The report can then be downloaded as an xls file.
Important: When configuring your results, there is a limit of 100 fields you can select per search. This includes time units, regular, and custom fields. If you select more than 100 fields, the system will display an error message prompting you to reduce the number of selected fields.