If you want to find a particular card across your account, there are two ways to search for it quickly:
- Use the Advanced Search tool (1) to look for a card across all workspaces and boards (p.1).
- Use the Board Filter (2) to search for a card on the board you currently have opened (p.2).
1. Search for a Card from the Advanced Search Tool
Type a keyword or a card ID in the Advanced Search field (the magnifying glass) at the top side of your board and press the Enter key to run the search. By default, the keyword search will look into the task's Owner, card ID, Title, and Description. The search runs through all workspaces and boards you are assigned to. The result shows a table view with graphical elements for faster visual perception.
You can learn more about the Advanced search tool capabilities here.
2. Search for a Card from the Board Filter
You can use the Board filter to locate a card on the currently opened board. Access the Board filter from the sidebar to the right of your board interface.
Important: This filter is applied per board.
The sidebar tool allows you to filter cards by ID, Owner, Title (keyword), or Tags. Just enter any of the criteria to apply the filter. Only cards that match your specified criteria will be displayed on the board.
Note: Use the Reset green button that appears on the top right side of the board to remove the filter.
You can streamline this process by creating quick filters. Here is how: