The Businessmap AI Assistant (not to be mistaken with our AI coach) is an additional extension of our product support. Its goal is to offer instant, in-product assistance to your questions related to how to use and navigate Businessmap.
Introduction to the Businessmap AI Assistant
To find our virtual assistant, navigate to the Help Center icon on your account interface, and click “Contact Support” or navigate to My account → Support.
This will open a new chat where you can start a conversation and ask your questions. Keep in mind that the virtual assistant will only respond to questions related to the product. If you are experiencing a problem with a feature or require more technical support, you can click to contact the support team directly or email us at
If a chat is left idle for more than an hour, it will be erased, and you will have to start a new conversation.
Important: Customers who have purchased a Support Package (Business or Enterprise) and accounts with 500+ users can continue to contact support from the default navigation: Help Center → Contact Support and My Account → Contact Support. They can still access the assistant by clicking the respective link in the Contact Support form.
Note: While we use a secure 3rd party AI service that is exclusive to us, we recommend that your questions do not include personal or sensitive information — only the information necessary to obtain the respective answer. The AI Assistant does not have access to client data and can assist only with general product-related questions.
Since the chat is still in development, there are a few limitations when using it:
- You can send a maximum of 10 questions per minute and 50 questions per hour
- Questions' length should not exceed 900 symbols
- You can send a total of 10 questions per chat. After that, you should start a new chat.